
Hi, I'm Ben Hazell. I used to blog here about the media, but now I work there I don't write here anymore.
I'm the Web Publishing Editor at - I find better ways to tell stories, developing tools, training and practice for journalists.

You can also find me on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, LibraryThing, Spotify, and occasionally writing on

The Blog

Rarely updated now, used during Journalism MA at the University of Sheffield.

The powerless society of Journos

Monday, 26 May 2008

My fellow Journalism students are all spending their bank holiday preparing for an exam tomorrow.

I just took a quick survey of Facebook statuses to see how everyone is feeling about it. Results include:

"feels nervous"
"wants to die"
"is getting the fear, and getting off Facebook"
"has noticed that with 12 hours to go everyone is on Facebook..."
"is feeling the fear... and doing it anyway"

"has got no motivation - anyone up for August retakes?"
"is contemplating suicide"
"proposes non-voluntary euthenasia as a better source of 'public administration'"
"is man-crying into his dinner"
"please shoot me before tuesday"
"is falling asleep"
"I heart local government"

And these are mostly people who arn't even taking the full NCTJ examination, just the internal one.
The poor bastards doing the full exam are too busy for Facebook. Imagine.

In some ways we're lucky. Labour seem to delight in changing the structures of governance so fast that an authoratative source of info is almost impossible to find, disrupting accountability through reform.
Thank heavens then for Wikipedia, where nothing's more than two clicks away. Concise, accurate and searchable; it's an invaluable tool of democratic oversight.

Makes you wonder why we really need to learn anything.


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